The Parish of English Bicknor

The Village Hall
The Village Hall was constructed in 1934 on land sold to the Trustees by a local benefactor for £10.
The cost of the construction was met by public subscription mainly from the inhabitants of the village who also did a great deal of the actual work.
The adjoining playing fields were acquired in 1965 when a Social Club and Football Club were formed and in 1983 the Hall was extended to provide a Social Club area, again funded by local contributions.
The Village Hall was extensively refurbished in 2009.
Currently the Village Hall is used either weekly or monthly for, and by, the following organisations:
English Bicknor Parish Council
English Bicknor Branch of the Women’s Institute (WI)
English Bicknor and District Gardening Club
Friends of St Marys
Ti Chi Classes
English Bicknor Local History Society
Table Tennis Club
Tuesday Lunch Club
Thursday Church Communion

The Village Hall is a registered Charity (Number 272418)
The land and the Hall are vested in the Trustees and the management of the Hall is conducted by Managing Trustees. Elected members and representatives from all the various clubs and groups in the Parish e.g. The Gardening Club, the WI and the School also participate in committees to support the Managing Trustees.
The day to day management of the Hall is by the Managing Trustees Committee consisting of:
Chair: Phil Gwilliam (, 01594 860259)
Vice Chair: Amanda Watkins (, 07805094519)
Secretary: John Entwistle (, 07708 626825)
Treasurer: Sharon Shelbourn (, 01594 862556, 07552 552105)
Bar Treasurer: Roy Waldron (, 07733151046)
Facilities /Functions Manager: Daphne Gwilliam (, 07766631988)
Village Hall Admin:
Bookings: Jackie Bradley (, 01594 860985)