The Parish of English Bicknor

List of local activities
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
Beaver, Cub and Scout groups open to girls and boys meet weekly at both Ruardean and The Pludds Village Hall. For information regarding the 1st Ruardean group, contact Cath Coolican Smith at and for 1st Clearwell and Sling group, who meet at Coalway, the contact is Carol Rushton at
Bell Ringing
A group of enthusiastic bell ringers ring the tower bells for services and special occasions at St. Mary’s Church, English Bicknor. Practice is held on Thursday evenings and the Tower Captain is John Furnival (541566), who would welcome any enquiries from either experienced bell ringers or beginners.
Brownies, Rainbows and Guides
There are meetings of brownies, rainbows and guides in the near vicinity. Rainbows and Brownies meet in the Baptist Chapel Room in Coleford and there is a Guide Group at the Evergreen Hall in Broadwell. For details ring Jeanette McGee (01452 83060).
Bus Service
Buses travel through English Bicknor to Coleford and Ross-on-Wye and the timetable is situated by the bus shelter next to Yew Tree Cottage, English Bicknor. There is also a small bus, service 709, operated by Dial-a-Ride/Forest Community Transport, which leaves Symonds Yat Rock at 9.30am each Friday morning and travels through Hillersland and on via Worrall Hill to Coleford, arriving at 10.10am. This service leaves Coleford for Symonds Yat Rock at 12 noon.
St Mary the Virgin, English Bicknor, is a 12th Century Grade 1 Listed building. Services are held weekly at 9.30am on Sundays and alternate between Matins and Holy Communion, using the traditional services from the Book of Common Prayer. Family services are held at 11am at Christchurch, with traditional evening worship at 6pm. A mid-week short Communion service, followed by coffee, is held every Thursday at 11.00am in English Bicknor Village Hall.
Church Flowers and Churchyard Maintenance
A dedicated group of people ensure that St. Mary’s Church looks its best both inside and out. If you would like to give a little time to help, then Gill Carne (860200) organises the Flower Rota and John Furnival (541566) is part of the Churchyard Gang.
A traditional Village Fete takes place annually on a Saturday in late June. There are usually numerous stalls, raffles, competitions and attractions and the money collected benefits the Church, School and other local clubs and charities. Many people are involved in the organising and running of the fete. If you would like to help in any capacity, please contact the Fete Convenor, Martin Shipley (862683), otherwise make sure the date is in your diary and come along to enjoy the day.
Friends of English Bicknor School
FOEBS is a voluntary organisation run by parents and friends to raise funds for the benefit of all pupils at English Bicknor School. For further information contacts FOEBS via the School (860367).
Friends of St Mary’s
This is a charity set up to raise funds for the maintenance of St. Mary’s Church, English Bicknor. Members commit to an annual donation of £10 and various fund raising activities are organised during the year. The Chairman is Daphne Gwilliam (860259).
Gardening Club
English Bicknor and District Gardening Club is a group of definitely amateur gardeners who meet on the last Tuesday of each month except August and December. A varied programme of speakers is organised in the Village Hall during Autumn through to Spring and in the Summer members visit local gardens. The programme secretary is Pat Drinkall (861025) and the Club extends a warm welcome to all.
Greenwoods Nursery
Greenwoods Nursery has a facility at English Bicknor School and takes children from 2 – 4 years, term time only. The Centre is currently open between 8am and 4pm. It is linked with Greenwood’s Coalway facility for all year care. For further details please phone 862966.
History Group
English Bicknor Local History Group meets bi-monthly on the second Thursday of the month in English Bicknor Village Hall at 7.30pm to research and share knowledge about matters of local history. If you are interested in joining, please contact the chairman, Clare Scales (01600 773220 or Further information can be obtained from the website
Lunch Club
A Lunch Club for older members of the community to share a meal and socialise is run by a team of volunteers every other Tuesday for most of the year. The lunches, which are cooked on the premises, are served in English Bicknor Village Hall and are usually followed by a talk or activity. The cost is currently £8.50 and subsidised transport can be arranged. Chiropody is also available. If you would like to attend or help with serving at the Lunch Club, please ring Joan Maxfield (836187) or Lydcare (860143).
Lydcare is a charity which aims to help those in need in the community, including our Parish. It runs the lunch club and a Community Transport scheme to provide transport to hospital and doctor appointments etc. It also operates a fully funded well being and benefits advice service, including home visits if necessary. Volunteers are always needed to act as drivers and helpers at the Lunch Clubs. For information either on the services provided by Lydcare or to volunteer to help in any way, contact Lydcare (860143).
A Parish Magazine for Christchurch and English Bicknor is produced 10 times per year. The editor is Judith Brickwood ( and to receive your copy ring Jeff Carrick (860936). The cost is £5.00 per year.
Notice Board
There are official Parish Council Notice Boards next to Yew Tree Cottage, English Bicknor and the former telephone kiosk in Hillersland. The former telephone kiosk in English Bicknor is now used as a book swap and also has a notice board residents can use. These boards are for Parish Council notices together with any other activities related to the Parish.
Parish Council
English Bicknor Parish Council is made up of 7 Councillors and meets bimonthly in the Village Hall. The names of current councillors and all agendas are published on the notice boards. Meetings are open to parishioners, who are able to speak at the public forum during the first 10 minutes of each meeting. A Parish Assembly is held annually, when a summary is given of the activities of the Council during the year. Parishioners are invited to this meeting and can raise any matters relating to the Parish.
Primary School
English Bicknor C of E Primary School is part of the Severn Federation Academy Trust. Children from 4+ – 11 years are taught in two classes; Chestnut Class (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) and Oak Class (years 3,4,5 and 6). The Head Teacher is Mrs Emma Isaac (860367). The website is:
Table Tennis
Anyone for table tennis? A small group of players of varying abilities play most Tuesday evenings from 7-9pm in English Bicknor Village Hall. For more information contact Kevan Froud – tel: 07970748670, e-mail:
Village Hall
English Bicknor Village Hall has been extensively refurbished and is well used for all sorts of activities and private functions. For enquiries about booking the Hall, contact Jackie Bradley (860985).
Website is the English Bicknor Parish website where information about the Parish and its activities can be found. Simon Andrewes administers the site. His e-mail address is:
Women’s Institute
English Bicknor Women’s Institute celebrated its 75th birthday in 2022. A varied programme of speakers and visits is enjoyed by its members, who meet on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm in the Village Hall. The President is Mrs Carol Bluett (tel: 07849 918319,